How about writing a note to someone...

Posted by Kim MacDonald on

Hi there, If you who have received an order from me this year you might have got a wee hand written note. I just love stationary products and have been trying to use a different notepad each month,- until covid-19 happened and I couldn't go out and shop for them!

So, to solve that problem I have found a great supplier who has lots of gorgeous notepads. This means that I can now stock a selection for you to use too. Just go to our Giftware page on the website to see the current selection.

Who doesn't like receiving notes? Especially on nice notepaper with pictures.When I was growing up my mum used to write notes and put them in my lunchbox or leave them in the kitchen with a reminder to do something for her,- I think I was much happier to do things when she left me a note with a little bunny drawn on it because my nickname was "little rabbit" in Hungarian.

In our house when I go away, or my husband is away, we sometimes leave a little note tucked in the bed so when the person goes to bed alone they find a little "I love you" note,- even nicer if it has a chocolate bar with it!

I hope you enjoy the notepads,- some of the first collection have been inspired by designers we know in the quilting world, like William Morris. I will be adding a few new products to our Giftware page at the start of each month. So,- if you have any ideas of what you and your friends like please let me know,

happy note writing, Mrs MillyMac

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