My Neighbourhood ~ Hatched & Patched

Welcome to My Neighbourhood from Anni Downs is a neighbourhood that has streets lined with houses small and large, including; storefronts, a post office, general store, bakery, butcher shop, and news agency, to name a few. There are parks, churchyards, trains, and people driving to and fro. It is common to find the occasional dog and cat, people on bikes, gardens, and birds singing in trees.

This range has all you would find in a regular neighbourhood. This collection's panel can be used as a whole cloth print or cut and pieced into blocks. The range also includes fabrics with streets of houses that would look great in borders or fussy-cut in hexagons. There is a novelty toss with houses, park benches, street lamps, dogs, and cats. There are 18 SKUs in the collection and some great all-rounder prints in a medley of taupes, blues, purples, and salmon.

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